LOS ANGELES, Calif. (CitizenWire – Local) — Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-California) has approved AB 2599 jointly authored by Speaker Emeritus Karen Bass (D- Baldwin Hills) and Assistant Speaker pro Tempore Isadore Hall, III (D- Los Angeles). AB 2599 builds upon the agreement between the State of California, the University of California and the County of […]
Author Archive | Topher J. Zane

U.S. Secretary Clinton Designates Special Coordinator for Haiti
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — The U.S. Secretary of State is pleased to announce the appointment of Thomas C. Adams as Haiti Special Coordinator. The Haiti Special Coordinator’s office will oversee U.S. government engagement with Haiti, including diplomatic relations and the implementation of a reconstruction strategy in partnership with the Government of Haiti, and other donors. […]
California Governor Signs Legislation to Help California Social Workers
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CitizenWire – Local) — Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara) announced today that his measure, Assembly Bill 2167, the Social Worker Loan Repayment Act, was signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Today is a new day for California social workers who will now qualify for federal financial assistance, similar to social workers in other states,” […]

New U.S. Executive Order Targeting Iranian Officials Responsible for or Complicit in Serious Human Rights Abuses
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — Today, President Obama signed an Executive Order that imposes sanctions on Iranian officials determined to be responsible for or complicit in serious human rights abuses involving Iran. In signing today’s Order, the President identified eight individuals for sanctions who share responsibility for the sustained and severe violation of human rights in […]

Donna Rayford stars in multimedia theatrical runway modeling production, aptly titled, ‘A Night In Paris’
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (CitizenWire – Local) — Donna Rayford and Crown Jewel Studios, in association with Safe Passage, are pleased to announce the groundbreaking multimedia theatrical runway modeling production, aptly titled, A Night In Paris. The multifaceted spectacular takes place at the historic Million Dollar Theater in the heart of downtown Los Angeles on October […]

Easeus’ Todo Backup Software Source Code Now for Sale for OEM and Bundle Licensing or Rebranding
NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. (CitizenWire) — EASEUS Software today expanded their licensing offerings even further by adding a third product line. According to the company, software source code selling is a fast track to enter the lucrative data backup and security market. EASEUS Software is providing its highly-rated backup utility source code for sale so […]

U.S. Department of State’s Role in Supporting the Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — The Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development calls for the elevation of development as a core pillar of American power and charts a course for development, diplomacy and defense to reinforce and complement one another in an integrated, comprehensive approach to national security. The Department of State plays a central role […]

Easeus expands its OEM software licensing programs to offer source code of its tier one product line
NEW YORK, N.Y. (CitizenWire) — Following the success of its data recovery technology source code sales, EASEUS Software, a leading provider of data recovery, partition manager and backup software, is now putting the source code of its famous partition manager software up for sale worldwide as well.

International Visitors Experience ‘A New Beginning: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education’ in U.S.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — In a new initiative responding to President Obama’s June 2009 speech in Cairo, the U.S. Department of State is bringing 25 science teachers from as many countries to the United States for an International Visitor Leadership Program called “A New Beginning: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education,” September 27 through […]

OEM Model in Data Recovery Software Market helps EASEUS Succeed
NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. (CitizenWire) — EASEUS Software, a leading provider of data recovery, partition manager and backup utilities, finds great success with their OEM model. Since it introduced OEM as one of its cooperative ways for its data recovery software, the company has successfully expanded its data recovery software market with partners.

Department of Energy Joins U.S. Civilian Response Corps
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — According to a statement today from Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, “We are pleased to announce that the Department of Energy has joined the Civilian Response Corps, the U.S. Government’s expeditionary, interagency civilian force dedicated to conflict prevention, response, and peacebuilding.” The Department of Energy possesses specialized skills and expertise […]

U.S. Gov, Guyana, and Pharma Co’s Partner to Expedite the Registration of HIV/AIDS Drugs for Children
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — Ambassador Eric Goosby, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, announced a new public-private partnership between the Government of Guyana and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to make safe pediatric HIV medications available faster in Guyana by expediting the country’s drug registration process. Through the Pre-approval Access for HIV/AIDS Therapies […]

New Ferret Research is Released from Sacramento State University
LA MESA, Calif. — A press conference has been announced for Noon on Saturday, Sept. 25th by LegalizeFerrets, calling on Governor Schwarzenegger to lift the ferret ban before he leaves office and asking (again) the respective Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman campaigns to address the issue.

EASEUS software, a leading provider of data recovery solutions, is now offering OEM and source code licenses
NEW YORK, N.Y. — EASEUS Software, a leading provider of data recovery, partition manager and backup utilities, is now offering business cooperation in its data recovery software source code sales to meet the unique needs of different developers and organizations. And this source code sales offering will give you full right to edit, change the […]

United States Co-Sponsors High-Level Panel on LGBT Rights at the United Nations in Geneva
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — The United States joined Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, East Timor, Finland, France, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania and Slovenia in sponsoring a high-level panel discussion “Ending Violence and Criminal Sanctions on the Basis of Sexual Orientation” on September 17 at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. With messages of support […]

Secretary Clinton to Announce New Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves at Clinton Global Initiative
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will formally announce the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a new public-private initiative to create a thriving global market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions that will save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women, and combat climate change. The announcement will occur at the […]

International Visitors Undertake ‘A New Beginning: Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation’ Project
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — Building upon President Obama’s June 2009 pledge in Cairo and at the 2010 Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship to expand exchange programs and opportunities in entrepreneurship, the U.S. Department of State is bringing 30 leading entrepreneurs from as many countries to the United States for an International Visitor Leadership Program called, “A […]

For the second year in a row, digital media company Voices.com ranks on the definitive list of emerging growth ventures
TORONTO, Canada — Voices.com, one of Canada’s fastest growing digital media companies, has been recognized in PROFIT Magazine’s ’11th Annual PROFIT HOT 50.’ For the second year in a row, digital media company Voices.com ranks on the definitive list of emerging growth ventures.

Uncertainty Hampering Small Businesses says former SBA Official Pat Gartland
ATLANTA, Ga. — Political and economic uncertainty are hampering small businesses in Georgia, says Patrick Gartland, a former official of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Small Business Administration, who will speak on Sept. 28 to the Georgia Association of Business Brokers.
Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate in New York City, September 20-21, 2010
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern will lead U.S. participation in the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate in New York City on September 20-21, 2010. Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs Michael Froman will serve as chair. The meeting will take place at the level […]

HOK Selected for the Planning and Design of the New U.S. Office Annex in Moscow, Russia
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) and the Bureau of Administration announced today that HOK (Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum) has been selected for the planning and design of the New Office Annex (NOX) in Moscow, Russia. The NOX will accommodate a new consular section and 300 […]
Allora & Calzadilla to Represent United States at 54th Venice Art Biennale
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) is pleased to announce the selection of Puerto Rico-based artist collaborative Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla as the United States’ representation to the 54th International Art Exhibition in Venice, Italy in 2011. Lisa D. Freiman, Chair, Department of Contemporary […]

2010 Secretary’s Award for Corporate Excellence Finalists Selected
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — Twelve finalists have been selected for the Secretary of State’s prestigious 2010 Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE). These U.S. companies were chosen from a record number of 78 nominations submitted by American ambassadors around the world. ACE finalists are international business leaders who recognize the vital role that U.S. businesses play […]

Secretary Clinton and the Ad Council Launch PSAs to Support Victims of the Pakistan Floods
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — New PSAs Encourage Donations to the Department of State’s Pakistan Relief Fund: In television and radio public service announcements released by the Ad Council today, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton encourages donations to the Pakistan Relief Fund (the Fund). Since the flooding in Pakistan began just over one month ago, […]

U.S. Expansion of E-Mentor Corps
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — Today the U.S. Department of State announced the expansion of E-Mentor Corps, a Web-based platform to match mentors in the U.S. business community with aspiring entrepreneurs from developing countries around the world. During his speech in Cairo, the President emphasized strengthening ties on issues like entrepreneurship and connecting people in the […]

New Free Partition Recovery Software with Increased Focus on Partition Recovery Efficiency
NEW YORK, N.Y. — EASEUS Partition Recovery is newly released free partition recovery software for all users by EASEUS Software. It is available for free download now. EASEUS Partition Recovery helps completely recover deleted and lost FAT, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3 partitions with easy-to-use wizard guidance.

Enterprise IRD System to Print Image Replacement Documents selected by Symcor
MANCHESTER, Vt. — CONIX Systems Inc., a leading international provider of payment processing solutions to the financial services industry, was selected by Symcor Inc., a leading North American financial processing company, to provide its Enterprise IRD (EIRD) solution – a system designed to print IRD documents from X9.37 files.

First of a Kind Trumpf TruLaser Laser Tube Cutting System Installed in Ohio
PLAIN CITY, Ohio — Ohio Laser LLC is adding a new 3600 Watt Trumpf TruLaser 7000 laser tube cutting system to its high-tech metal fabrication business. Industry experts consider this laser tube cutting system to be one of the most advanced in the world. It is the first system of its kind in Ohio and […]

Tweet Your Way to a Grand Prize of Two Roundtrip Tickets to South Africa with CheapOair
NEW YORK, N.Y. — CheapOair, a top ten rated online travel agency, in partnership with South African Airways and Lonely Planet, has announced that they will hold a 10-day contest via Twitter. Starting on August 17, 2010 and ending on August 30, participants will have the opportunity to enter the contest where they can win […]

EASEUS’ Free Data Recovery Software
NEW YORK, N.Y. — EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition, the professional and free data recovery software for both commercial and home users, is now widely accepted and highly recommended by its users. Apart from the large amount of letters rushed in to show their thanks for it, its download on famous IT site Download.com […]

US State Department Releases Fifth Annual Water for the Poor Report
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — On August 13, 2010, the U.S. Department of State released the Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor 2010 Report to Congress describing U.S. efforts to expand access to safe drinking water and sanitation, improve water resources management and increase water productivity in developing countries. The Senator Paul Simon Water for […]

Voices.com, the voice over marketplace, was recently awarded an Interactive Media Award for their dedication to providing excellence in service
LONDON, Ontario — Voices.com was honoured with a ‘Best in Class’ Interactive Media Award (IMA) for professional services. ‘The Best in Class’ award is the highest honour bestowed by the Interactive Media Awards, representing the very best in planning, execution and overall professionalism.

Source Code and SDK Cooperation for Developers in Its Data Recovery Technologies Platform announced by EASEUS
NEW YORK, N.Y. — EASEUS Software, a leading provider of data recovery, partition manager and backup utilities, today announced that it is now offering business cooperation in Source Code and a software development kit (SDK) for developers to meet the unique needs of different organizations.

U.S. Urges Iran to Respect the Fundamental Freedoms of its Citizens
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — A statement today from Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, reads: “The United States is deeply concerned that Iran continues to deny its citizens their civil rights and intimidate and detain those Iranians who seek to hold their government accountable and stand up for the rights of their fellow citizens.” We […]

US State Dept: Country Reports on Terrorism 2009
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — The U.S. intelligence community assessed that al-Qa’ida and its affiliates, particularly al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), were actively engaged in operational plotting against the United States. In 2009, the al-Qa’ida core in Pakistan remained the foremost security threat to the U.S. homeland. Al-Qa’ida suffered several significant setbacks in 2009 due […]

Volleyball Champion Misty May-Treanor Participates as Sports Envoy In United States-Russia Sports Exchange
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — Two-time Olympic gold medalist Misty May-Treanor will travel to Moscow as a Sports Envoy to conduct beach volleyball clinics as part of an exchange conducted under the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission. Building on previous Sports Visitor programs, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) SportsUnited Office […]

FIPS 201/PIV Compliant Fingerprint and Smart Card Reader announced by SecuGen Corporation
SANTA CLARA, Calif. — SecuGen, the world’s leading optical fingerprint device vendor, is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the SecuGen iD-USB SC/PIV, a combined fingerprint and smart card reader that is fully FIPS 201/PIV compliant. The iD-USB SC/PIV is a ready-to-use USB device that facilitates dual-factor authentication right out of the box.

ASE Optics Adds Key Staff Member, Dr. Wade Cook
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — With the addition of Dr. Wade Cook, ASE Optics significantly expands its capabilities in holography, remote sensing, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and laser vibrometry. ASE Optics provides contract optical engineering and custom lens assembly manufacturing for companies worldwide.

Professional Partition Manager Solution Updated: Recover Partitions with EASEUS Partition Master 6.1.1
NEW YORK, N.Y. — EASEUS Software can help anyone to recover partitions with the latest version of their EASEUS Partition Master 6.1.1 which now includes the Recover Partition function to ensure data security.

New Report Showcases U.S. Global Leadership in Landmine Clearance and Conventional Weapons Destruction Efforts
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CitizenWire) — The Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs has released the 9th Edition of To Walk the Earth in Safety, a report summarizing the accomplishments of the U.S. Conventional Weapons Destruction Program, including the U.S. Humanitarian Mine Action Program, the world’s largest […]