News: How Two Humanitarians Are Protecting Millions of Mexican Youth from the Allure of the Cartels | CitizenWire

Salomon and Lucy Dabbah

In a country dominated by cartels, where children as young as 9 are recruited as mules and become cold-blooded assassins by the time they are 16, Salomon and Lucy Dabbah refused to stand by while the country is engulfed in turmoil and the lives of entire generations are destroyed

MEXICO CITY, Mexico /CitizenWire/ — As we review Scientology accomplishments of the past year, the awarding of the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) Freedom Medal always looms large.

Each year, Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige presents this award to persons whose stellar accomplishments have materially advanced the purpose of the IAS: “To protect the Scientology religion and Scientologists in all parts of the world so as to achieve the Aims of Scientology as originated by L. Ron Hubbard:

“A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights.”

And none are more deserving than Salomon and Lucy Dabbah – IAS Freedom Medal Winners for 2023.

For more than a decade, these two Scientologists have waged a counter-offensive to save youth from becoming victims of Mexico’s drug cartels.

“We could see society decaying and knew we needed to do something,” said Lucy. Never simply waiting for someone else to solve things for them, they made drug education and prevention their personal mission. As Salomon put it, “you are the one who makes the change.”

They began by enlisting the help of fellow Scientologists to distribute the Foundation for a Drug-Free World’s Truth about Drugs booklets in high-traffic locations such as sports events and at popular tourist spots. They organized sending out 180,000 copies of The Truth About Drugs through a catalog mailing by one of Mexico’s top health and beauty companies.

Realizing the need to form partnerships to create greater impact, they shared the Drug-Free World booklets and public service announcements with the head of a leading transportation advertising firm, who broadcast these youth-friendly videos three times an hour, 19 hours a day throughout the metro system serving some 5 million people a day. They also reached millions with massive Drug-Free World billboards on underground train platforms and station waiting areas.

The Dabbahs brought the campaign to the regional commander of Mexico’s Auxiliary Security Forces, who authorized Truth About Drugs workshops to train more than 2,200 officers on the program. Next, they trained Mexico City school safety police and provided seminars and workshops to more than 4,000 federal police officers. Working with law enforcement the Drug-Free Mexico team distributed nearly 200,000 Truth About Drugs booklets.

But the Dabbahs always believed education was the best solution, so they next focused on bringing the Truth About Drugs into classrooms. They brought the Drug-Free World curriculum to a representative of the Ministry of Education for the State of Mexico, who authorized a pilot training program of 2,400 secondary school teachers. The two-day workshop was the largest Drug-Free World training program ever held.

These teachers have educated more than 2 million students with the Truth About Drugs curriculum. With this and the other training programs the Dabbahs have seen to, some 8,500 teachers now use this program in their classrooms. The Dabbahs are also responsible for placing Truth About Drugs booklets in the hands of some 2.5 million individuals. And the Ministry of Education of the State of Mexico has now mandated the Drug-Free World curriculum to be taught in every school and university in the state.

Foundation for a Drug-Dree World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. Through the support of Scientology Churches and Scientologists, the Foundation offers its drug education resources free of charge to anyone wishing to use them to educate others about drugs.

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard noted the role substance abuse plays in the disintegration of the social fabric: “Research has demonstrated that the single most destructive element present in our current culture is drugs.”

Watch Drug-Free World public service announcements and The Truth About Drugs-Real People, Real Stories documentary on the Scientology Network, or episodes of Voices for Humanity to see how other humanitarians have adopted the program. Scientology Network is available on DIRECTV Channel 320, DIRECTV STREAM, AT&T U-verse and streaming at, on mobile apps, and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.

Contact your nearest Church of Scientology for whatever assistance you need to join the Truth About Drugs movement and help youth and adults make the self-determined decision to live drug-free.

The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard and Mr. David Miscavige is the religion’s ecclesiastical leader.



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