News: Our Help is Yours: Humanitarian Initiatives Supported by the Church of Scientology | CitizenWire

Church of Scientology provides simple programs to tackle important issues that impact the quality of life

The Church of Scientology provides simple programs to tackle important issues that impact the quality of life

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /CitizenWire/ — Drug abuse and spiking overdose deaths. Failed marriages and broken families. Bullying, corruption and crime. Dead-end careers or jobs that don’t pay the bills or dish out a constant diet of stress. Are these and other issues, conditions and problems simply a fact of life? Or is there a way to take action and change them? Voices for Humanity, an award-winning original series on the Scientology Network, documents how diverse individuals are changing conditions like these and making a difference in their own and others’ lives.

The Church of Scientology and Scientologists support humanitarian initiatives and social betterment programs that address these and other important personal and social issues. Each has an educational component with free courses and materials. They are all available free of charge in 17 languages and can be easily accessed online.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World empowers young people and adults with factual information about drugs and alcohol. Armed with the facts-not opinions, hype or scare tactics-youth and adults are empowered to make their own decisions to live drug-free. Just one example is a straight-edge punk artist in Malaysia who took on the drug culture of his country, educating at-risk youth so they make the self-determined decision to live drug-free.

The Way to Happiness is a book of morals based entirely on common sense. It has fostered a grassroots movement extending to 190 nations. Implementing its precepts and encouraging others to do so can help raise the bar on tolerance and understanding within families, in the workplace, in the community and beyond. Learn how this simple booklet helped build a peace movement among notorious warring gangs in South-Central Los Angeles.

United for Human Rights and its program for young people Youth for Human Rights has empowered more than 700 million with knowledge and understanding of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They raise awareness of the rights everyone has simply because they are human. It has been used to tackle bullying and prejudice and impact entire nations. Learn how a brother and sister team used this initiative to help put an end to years of violence raging between their government and rebels in war-torn Colombia with a strategy of defending human rights that won over supporters from both sides.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights is a charitable mental health watchdog established by the Church of Scientology. Learn how two human rights activists in Germany helped secure the rights of victims of coercive psychiatry by exposing present-day corruption and past crimes, including the Holocaust, committed in the name of “science.”

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers program has, for the past three decades, responded to disasters great and small. Using technology developed for the program by humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, Volunteer Ministers empower others to improve their own lives and their communities. Watch the new documentary Operation: Do Something About It to see the unparalleled scale of the response of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers to the COVID-19 pandemic across the globe to ensure the safety of every sector of society.

In his famous essay “My Philosophy” Mr. Hubbard wrote: “I like to help others and count it as my greatest pleasure in life to see a person free himself of the shadows which darken his days.” This is the passion that informs these humanitarian and social betterment initiatives, which the Church of Scientology makes available free of charge to anyone wishing to improve the quality of life for themselves, their friends, families, community or the world.




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