SAN JOSE, Calif., Jun 16, 2016 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- WMH Corporation, a specialist in transportation infrastructure design, is pleased to welcome Dan Collen, PE, as a Senior Consultant. Dan brings over 35 years of experience in transportation design and planning to the WMH team.
Before joining WMH, Dan spent his career at Santa Clara County Roads and Airport Department. Dan gained a unique and comprehensive perspective over all phases of transportation development and design in the Bay Area, beginning his professional journey as a Junior Civil Engineer at the County in 1980, and retiring as Deputy Director of the Infrastructure Development Division in 2015. He left behind a legacy of professional achievements and major infrastructure developments.
While serving as Deputy Director, Dan led the Capital Projects Program, operated the County's traffic signals, and administered traffic engineering, planning, land development coordination and permitting, streetlights, surveying, construction inspection, and project engineering in the specialty areas of bridges, highways, and traffic signals. His expertise in streets, highways, and associated infrastructure will further support WMH as one of the leading transportation firms in the Bay Area.
"Dan brings tremendous depth to our operation and supports us in strategic decisions that have contributed to our success," noted William Hadaya, President of WMH Corporation. "Our clients will receive significant, immediate value; and we will be better positioned to compete for major, complex projects across a diverse range of end markets and geographic regions."
Dan led the initiative for pedestrian adaptive signal operations and predictive traffic signals operation. He looks forward to continuing inter-agency coordination and collaboration with the contacts he has enjoyed working with over the years, and to embracing the newest emerging technologies in traffic signal operations and ITS infrastructure supporting Autonomous Vehicles.
About WMH Corporation:
WMH is a civil engineering firm specializing in infrastructure transportation design with offices in San Jose, Oakland and San Diego. WMH provides full project management, planning and design services for Federal, state and local transportation agencies. For more information please visit: http://www.wmhcorporation.com/.
News Source: WMH Corporation, Inc.
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